About Me

I am currently living in Provo, UT and teaching 3rd grade at a charter school. It's a lot of work but I have liked it so far and am excited for amazing opportunities ahead.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Miss Gray is back at it again

Well, I am now officially a teacher again. I am so excited for this year. So far, I have a much smaller class than last year and they seem to be a really great group of third grader. Most of my students have now been at our school since they were first graders so they are used to it and are doing a good job ! Yeah!!
My favorite thing about this year is the new third grade teacher that I work with. She is fabulous. A smart, hard worker and I think we work well together. It makes such a difference to have a great teacher to collarborate with and share ideas.

I am also still keeping my second job at staples, at least for now. I'll have to see how it goes balancing the jobs. I spent my Saurday at Staples today. What was supposed to be a 7 hour shift turned into a 8 1/2 hour shift. It was a crazy day. I wish I was at Bear Lake with my family instead! I do get to go next weekend for Labor Day though. It will be a good time.