About Me

I am currently living in Provo, UT and teaching 3rd grade at a charter school. It's a lot of work but I have liked it so far and am excited for amazing opportunities ahead.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So not worth it...

So yesterday I took the day off because I was sick. It's always hard to be gone as a teacher and you just hope and picture your kids doing a good job,listening, working; your substitute has everything he/she needs and expects good behavior from your students; your plans are detailed enough and easy to follow.

NOT SO yesterday. I come to my desk this morning and see a note: "Miss Gray, today was not the best day, I'll be honest. I had problems with every child. Except for (insert only 3 names here out of 20)"... Then, the secretary comes and tells you of 2 students needing to be sent to the office, the teacher next door needing to come in for help, the students said that kids were playing with timers and staplers, and saying they should have a party when the sub had to leave the room... etc. etc.

WOW! My students are so much better than this. It's especially not good since this same sub is coming back on Friday while I go to a conference. So, of course today was not a fun day at school. We made lots of changes, missed recess. I was just so disappointed. So, I question myself, and other teachers... is it worth it?

The one thing I did gain from yesterday was U2 tickets!!! June 3rd!!! I can't wait.


Alli and Rick said...

Oh Adrienne It's so true! This happened to me this week as well. I also laid home in bed sick, hoping they were on their best behavior, only to return to a nasty note. And they know better! They were scared to even walk in the door the next day. Student A says "So, um.... did the sub leave a note or tell you much about yesterday?" Oh boy did i hear about it! I responded "Yes, I know everything about yesterday. Put your head down!" And my class wrote sentences, (you know... here's a paper- write I WILL BEHAVE one hundred times! They were very quiet that day. The question remains- is it worth taking a sick day?