About Me

I am currently living in Provo, UT and teaching 3rd grade at a charter school. It's a lot of work but I have liked it so far and am excited for amazing opportunities ahead.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The week of the perfect storm

Don't you love it when so many crazy things happen all at once? What do they call that when everything intersects? The Bermuda Triangle? I prefer to call it the perfect storm. This week at school it is Red Ribbon Week. This consists of pajama day, sweats day, hat day, candy each day for the kids, bulletin board decorating etc... When you are at a school with a uniform, any time the kids get to wear something different they go nuts!!! This week we also have Halloween. You better believe that the kids know it. They, understandably, are really excited for the impending sugar highs and costumes. To be honest, I am too. I love Halloween! Being a teacher, you get to enjoy it as much as you did as a kid. So fun!! If that wasn't enough to make the kids insane, it's COLD/snowy!! Ugh - so many fun things going on but its pretty much impossible to get any teaching done.

Did I mention that it's end of term at the end of the week and we need to do DIBELS testing with each kid? ( I have no help with that BTW).

It is times like this when one word comes to mind as the most important trait a teacher can possess: FLEXIBILITY!!

Happy Halloween everybody.