About Me

I am currently living in Provo, UT and teaching 3rd grade at a charter school. It's a lot of work but I have liked it so far and am excited for amazing opportunities ahead.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

THE NEXT 30 DAYS, PART 2. Day 1, 29 to go

Spontaneous Feng Shui

I must begin this month long adventure with a confession. My new thing for today, was actually done last Saturday. So, it appears I am starting off a little unorthodox. Oh well, deal with it! It was something I have wanted to do for a long time and I felt too good about it to leave off of this list.

Last Saturday was one of those super productive Saturdays where I got the job done. I did some major grocery shopping, all my laundry, cleaned my bathroom, bedroom, and basement, cooked up some chicken and hamburger to put in the freezer. After this was done, I got out of the shower and looked around my bedroom. Newly vacuumed and dusted and cleaned, I thought "What else can I do in here? I know, I'll rearrange my furniture!" I have been living in my apartment now for 3 years and realized at the moment that I was ready for a change in my somewhat small bedroom. Moving a dresser, bed, and bookshelf by myself in a small space was a bit challenging, but I got some good exercise in and moved everything around. I must say I am very happy with it! Rearranging mybedroom brings the feeling of starting over again and an inspiration to be a little more organized and productive. It was the perfect end to a successful work day! Saturday truly was a "special day".

My newly arranced room